Contemporary Aural Course

Ear-training is an intrinsic part of any studies in music. Awareness of pitch and rhythm and an ability to transcribe music from a sound source to the written page is essential for any well-rounded musician.

The Contemporary Aural Course is a graded set of ear-training materials designed for complete beginners through to advanced level students. The course consists of nine audio and book sets which would be suitable for self-study purposes or for class use.

Students are trained to listen to the elements of music – intervals, scales, chords, cadences, rhythms, and so on, and after the topic has been rehearsed, fill in their answers in the accompanying workbook. All instructions are in audio form so the student can work at their own pace through the tracks and independently from their music teacher if they so wish. Answer pages are included in all sets. For the background theory for all the topics, please refer to the Contemporary Theory Workbook and Contemporary Chord Workbook series.

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